Jan 24, 2009 22:45

Due to my refund check coming in from my lovely student loans, I'm now back in the Paid account realm!

I spent for-fraking-ever (literally about three hours) putting in the new mood theme, I don't know if I've gotten more stupid or if LJ and/or Photobucket have gotten more difficult but holy schnikies it was a pain in the ass. But alas, it is now working and is AWESOME. My friend bigdamnxenafan was telling me about it on the phone and then I ganked it from wikkid_angel_78 where she posted it in teylafen. So, uh, yeah.

I also customized my journal appearance, it's amazing how many more styles have come about since I last had a paid account! Plus, I'd forgotten how nice it was not to have the damn ads everywhere lol.

I will be uploading a LOT of icons, that's probably what I missed the most about not having a paid account, 15 is just so not near enough.

Anyway, I should probably be reading or studying or doing something else, but I wanted to say hi and show off my new mood theme.


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