Four Things Meme

Oct 10, 2007 17:13

I got this in an email from my aunt but I liked it so I'm posting it here. :)

In no particular order, here are some facts about me that you may or may not have known.

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Drive through person at McDonald’s (I actually loved it lol)
2. Movie Theater Shift Manager for concession stand
3. Lawn Mower/Ditch Digger/Hole Fill-in-er/etc. at Tinker
4. Security Guard at Target

B) Four movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Serenity
2. The Fifth Element
3. The Princess Bride
4. Finding Nemo

C) Four places I have lived:
1. Maud, OK (basically)
2. With my Grandma
3. NYC
4. Oklahoma City

D) Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Xena
2. Buffy
3. Angel
4. Mythbusters

E) People who email me regularly:
1. Jessica
2. Marie
3. LiveJournal (to tell me I have comments)
4. Offers to make me a millionaire or enlarge a body part I don’t have lol

F) Four places I have been:
1. Kona and Hawi, Hawaii
2. Las Vegas
3. Atlanta
4. Houston

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Anything Oriental
2. Greek or Mediterranean
3. Mexican
4. Homemade All American

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In my bed lol (I’m sleepy!)
2. Hawaii
3. Mississippi
4. New Zealand (I’ve always wanted to visit, it’s so pretty!)

I) Four friends that I think will respond: (I’m changing this question because I hate these.)
Four favorite books:
1. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach (just about anything by him honestly)
2. The Weather Warden series by Rachel Caine
3. The Kushiel’s series by Jacqueline Carey
4. House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

J) Four things that I am looking forward to this year:
1. Continuing in the Rock Group I’m a part of
2. The holidays
3. Halloween
4. The possibility of a Serenity II movie!

You know the drill, if you wanna play along, copy and past this and delete my answers, filling in your own. Then post and voila!


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