(no subject)

Jul 25, 2003 21:44

alright, i actually have a lot of stuff to write about. first, i got my ap scores back... they were alright. MUSICTHEORY - 4!!!!!!!!!!!!! halle-fuckin-lujah. i still can't believe it. i got a 2 in the aural section but then a 5 in the non-aural section... figures. chem - 4, calc bc - 4 (but i got a 5 on calc ab!), us hist - 5, language - 5. so yea... atleast that's over with. item #2: my boss is such a fucking dick i can't handle it. i just got totallyyyyy shafted on my work hours. from 40 hours a week to 15!!!!!!!!! WHATTTTTT??!! they can NOT do that. like... honestly. i think it has to be illegal or something. so anyway, now i have to find another job. gRrrrr. but the good news is that i got $536 on my last paycheck which was neato to the maxx. i was really pissed about the work thing yesterday and i even had to take a break, and then i started crying and i was just crying for like 10 minutes straight. i dunno, it was weird, but i'm pretty over it now. item #3: oh man... i don't even know where to start with this one. i guess there have been 2 guys who i have kinda liked... well one of them i like and then the other one is just this random guy who i think is hot. anyway, last night at fletch's, patricia TOLD clint that i thought chris was hot. in front of everyone. and then she proceeded to bring up S.L.!!! and how EVERYONE (including emily sweet!!!) knows about it... which is super embarrassing and now i totally understand why that girl hates me and stuff. oh man i would be so creeped out to hear about it... but anyway, past that. the point is that patricia TOLD his really good friend that i liked him and stuff and now he probly thinks i'm reallyyyy weird. so i lost that one. ok, i can't even go into the shane thing. it's just too long... wayyyy too long to type, since there's all this leading up to it and stuff. bottom line is that it also got fucked up a bit this evening. i mean, i'm pretty sure it's repairable but... well... we shall see, won't we? alright, that's it, i'm already bored of this. i can't believe i used to write in this all the time. it seems like such a pain in the ass to update these days. whatev, i'm outti (clueless stylee!).
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