Nov 02, 2007 22:40
Five things I’d love to do before I die:
1. Be famous in any way. This is okay for after I die, as well.
2. Have a song written about me that gets some recognition for being good.
3. Fall in love for real.
4. Become a psychologist.
5. Have a child (or adopt one) and raise it to be a good person.
Five things I will not do even if it kills me:
1. Gay-bash.
2. Stop believing that music is the saving grace of myself and countless others.
3. Vote.
4. Use excuses to get out of anything.
5. Eat meat.
Five things I do when I'm away from the public:
1. Pretend to be an actress.
2. Fangirl over House.
3. Chew with my mouth open.
4. Write depressing songs.
5. Listen to music I think is stupid.
Five fave sentences/quotes/lyrics:
1. "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school." -- Marla Singer, Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk.
2. " Solamente oir tu voz / Ver tu foto en blanco y negro / Recorrer esa ciudad / Yo ya me muero de amor." [Just to hear your voice / To see the black and white photograph / To return to your city / I already die of love.] -- Una Foto En Blanco Y Negro, El Canto Del Loco
3. "She's old enough to know / And young enough not to say no." -- Her Eyes, Pat Monahan
4. "A moment was all you could expect from perfection." -- Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk.
5. "The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit." -- Wade Davis.
Five things I wish people didn't do:
1. Judge others by what they are instead of who they are.
2. Hurt people.
3. Get offended so easily.
4. Shun what's different or unusual.
5. Abuse.
five things