Cinco De Mayo....Is That On The Same Day Every Year??(It's My Birthday Queehs!)

May 05, 2004 23:43

Today was so fucking sweet ass.  In the morning I picked Juls up for School and she watched me freak out in traffic.  Then we parked and had to hide from Mr.Fields, Back to the Future Style.  Then I proceeded to homeroom.

Homeroom-sit there till the bell rings and walk with Jennie.  Diduch hands me a card and gives me a birthday hug.  I am then bear hugged by 3 more people.  Jennie then goes, your getting hugged by every person.  I go, no i'm not.  Then suddenly jackie bear hugs me.  Then I head to...

Study hall-  Bullshitted with wells, "o", and Jamie.  Then at the end of the Period chatted with steph and then in the hallway talked to juls then moved on to...

English-  English was sweet.  We read MAcbeth and Egan read it like Charlton Heston and I read it like JFK.  at the end, the witches one at a time go, Hail!, Hail!, Hail!, so i threw in HItler and the teacher yelled at me. Then in he hallways bethany gave me my awesome card she made because she's fucking sas. John gave me TNMT season one...that boy is amazing i love him. Sammi got me the brand new cd since i lways borrow itfrom john and wrote me the coolest letter ever, I heart that girl.  Kerri got me a tunes 10 dollar gift card,hells yes, i hit that up tonite. Then i headed to....

Lunch-  Jackie gave me a pen that says, Sex Addict. Thanks jackie...i think.  Amanda made me cupcakes, wells told me she didn't but she did, i made me happy in my stomach thanks! Then my table and egan's table sang me happy birthday really loud...Wells bought me lunch becuase wells is a stand up man.  Then i beat Tovinski in Spit cuz he sucks.  Then I went with Egan to.....

Science- WE watced tom hanks miss the moon and come back....

Animation- I watched TMNT with my class until the end of the period.  That class is so worthless haha...eventually juls gave me a card.  thanks juls.

Gym-  Mr.MOunt said since it's my bday i don't have to get dressed.  Mounts the man...i might even goes as far as saying...THE BOMB!  Then i playedfirst base and kicked ass.  After that i proceeded too....

Psych- Fuck this class.

Robotics-  Indico made me take some dumb test and theni left...

After school i went to the posse spot nd recievd a home made card frm wells, wells is sexy.  Then JEnnie and Stacie pull up and give me...a blow up fat woman sex doll with a red bra for the doll...thanks?  then i drove Juls home and headed on my way o my huse to meet wells.  Wells was't there yet but JEss' present finally came in the mail.  It's a record player needle, she's been wanting one since i've known her so i ordered it...the thing is like an inch in diameter and is an arm an a leg...when i opened it up i didn't think it was inside.  So wells and walsh show up and i grab thngs for the bbq and then we takemy car to get flowers for the prom.  Chao meets up with usand we start to drive back home... We were listening to brand new and i was thinking about how sammi got it for me, then i realized....shit i haveto pick her up at 3:15...i look at the clock, 3:15. So my luck, we were stuck behind a bus down wilsonroad for 5 minutes...everytime it'd stopp i'd yell at some kid getting off to haul ass.  Apparently i scared some fat kid and he ran into his backyard.  Then at the fork in the road i was like walsh any cars coming he goes yeah...and for some reason i just risk it and go for it...i'm the man. We show up and kerri and sammi are awaiting us.  So we get them drop walsh up and take his volleyball and go to my house for the boombox then hit up the park.

The park was so much fun.  It conssted of.  ME, Wells, Samm, Kerri, John, Walsh, Chin, Bthany, Juls, Jess, Steph, Carney, Brad, AJ, Kramer, Jess B, Chao, Katie, Deanna, Jackie, Casey, Kim, Pants, Bacher for a bit, Diduch, And Clyde, if i forgot anyone hit me.  We started off bbqing then went to the swings i jumped off the swings alot and hurt myself. I gave jess her present, she seemed kinda excited about it, i couldn't tell. Then we played volleyball.  It was somuch fun.  It was primarily wells diving for he ball, me and pants fighting and diduch kicking pants ass, me harrassing juls, then kate beating me up then jess saving me by tackling her and yelling not the brthday boy, yeah!, Deanna throwing sand at me, me throwing sand at sammi, jess constantly wanting to spike the ball, us playingsoccer with the ball...i think that was pretty much it.  Then we went back to the grill and danced around and then me and Sammi headed out so we could get redy for dinner.

I dropped her off and then took a shower.  Then I picked up John and Bethany then headed to sammis.  Sammis dad torn john a new one, just kept making fun of him...i felt so bad.  Then we left to go to dinner at lotus...but not before, Ritas water ice!  Doody gets off at 7 and we left sammi's at 6:45.  After going through yellowlights like crazy and avoding lights, i made it there just in time...i walk up and go ok i'll havea pint of mango she retorts with, how about a gallon?  I nod with excitement, se then comes around with a huge pale of mango and our jaw drop.  THen she goes no...this is 5 gallons.  So then shescoops it into a gallon and the thing is ridicoulus.  i heart erin.  It was one of the best presents ever.  We brought it to lotus and ate it for dessert.

We then made it to lotus and sat for dinner with my parents and cory.  It consisted of, John and cory getting loud, me and cory fighting, me flipping my mom off every few seconds and her hitting me, My family and it's vulgarties and my mom questioning sammi, me anjohnslowdancing...and to finalize it, playing the Fortune cookie game, in bed(when you sy in bed after your fortune) with my familly and friends.  Then we left, went to tunes where i bought, Broken Social Scene and The SPeaker off.  Then taco bell night where i was lit on fire.  then i threw a soda at pants, missed and hit some guys car so we sped away and then i dropped everyone off and now i'm here.

thanks you so much to everyone, this birthday has been the best!!!!!!!!!!!

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