May 12, 2005 00:42
It really doesn't get any better than driving fast with the windows down just before sunset with your favorite song on the radio.
Well, I guess it would be better if I had a sweet convertible.
But other than that, no better.
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AP tests are over. I think I liked taking them better than going to school. I mean, you were guaranteed to get out by 11:30 everyday, and that left so much time for actually having a life. It was almost like my first taste of college. I liked it.
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As Nicole has probably told the world by now, she, Taylor, and I skipped school today to go to Cedar Point with Valentina and Kyle. After that didn't work out, we went to Somerset instead. And got lost. Like eight times. But that's the fun of an outing, yes? Just imagine where we'd be now if we had gone to Sandusky.
I blew over $100 on clothes and I've never felt so good.