Lots of excitement today:
- smoke detectors went off
- turns out one had water dripping
- so i called 911
- the fireman came
- one was young and hot--more stories to come later
- they disabled it (actually, the brave young hot guy did it)
- they found the leak
- they had to leave...so sad
- the a/c guy came and was superrrrrrr nice
- he fixed the a/c leakage
- 2 phone calls & $250 later, all is well
I will mention my stories when I am less tired. I loved that fireman. Ok, love is a strong word. But I was completely amused by observing him. And talking to him. hahaha I still laugh when I think about it. So cute. (in a manly way, of course)
I realized that my ideal spouse occupation has broadened from paramedics/EMTs to also fireman. Somehow, they are just hot, almost by definition. And super helpful. I could handle that I think.
In other recent news, tonight I came up with names for my kittens, should I get any male/female combination.
If I get 1 male & 1 female or 2 males, their names will be Chase & Cameron.... from my favorite show. :-)
If I get 2 females, I will name them Dora & Lulu after the cartoons.
I've pretty much decided to get 2. The one will need a playmate, I decided. Sooooooo that's that. Bedtime.