Jul 02, 2004 09:27
So why am I up this early (I've no been awake over an hour)? Because mother nature seems to still be unclear on just where the boundaries for her creatures lie, ie outside of my apartment. Monday a squirrel woke me up with little creature noises a few inches from my head. At first I thought he had some sort of strange attraction to my blowfish alarm clock, but I later found a nut wedged into my window guards.
This morning, I heard some strange noises coming from the kitchen. Being before 2 pm, I knew it couldn't be my roommate. I feared our mouse had returned. But no, there was a pigeon walking around the kitchen! Shooing ensued.
As long as the child guards are only removable by hours of sawing, and thus prevent putting in window screens, it looks like I'm in for a summer of mild surprise and finding ways to get animals to leave my home without touching them.
Show tonight in Greenpoint, come on down.