new years eve pics. new years eve was amazing...
- mar drinking whiskey in the car.
- the boys in suits.
- loft party (but no besties playing like i was hoping)
- free cigarettes thrown at us.
- mar making out with hot dude.
- mars boobs.
- eddie showing up right after midnight.
- midnight on the roof with tons of fireworks.
- telling everyone the drunk girl with wine (me) was pregnant and then people feeling the baby kick. p.s. IM SO NOT PREGGERS!
- allison falling down the stairs.
- mar passing out on the stairs.
- fartmaster 2k7.
- when a man loves a woman.
- slaps.
- amazing free candy food.
- bathroom line.
- dancing to fugazi and neutral milk hotel and nirvana.
- mar screaming at dudes from the car that shes ready for it.
- therefore, dude jumps in car.
- david writing "david loves allison" on every window in loft.
- stair diving.
- grabbing our boobs.
- grabbing other people's boobs.
- david grabbing eddies weiner.
- meeting new people who thought we were absolutely insane.
- running around, screaming "OH MY GOD" about everything.
- BORED DOE wine. seriously.
oh my god, there is so much more but i cant even remember. it will come to me in time.