Where should my candy go??

Oct 21, 2004 20:32

Through many requests, i decided to do a short update. I'm a busy man, and yes i have a life, that is why i haven't been updating. But, i do have some known news that is excitin:


Yay for me and my second time aroundness hehehe... Um life is pretty good. Can't complain. Actually i can. I hate that saying. "Can't complain." Who says that! I mean of course you can complain, but since you complain on a regular basis people just don't want you to complain. Well you know what, I am going to complain. Cuz i like it. And i am good at it. One of very few things i can do right. Um yes so moving on. Caley wants to be mentioned in my journal so here goes: Caley Anne Mackenzie, you are such a spectacular person because you are who you are, you try hard at everything, and overall you are a goof, like me. So there you go! Um also i want to say GET BETTER KIM! I hope you heal soon cuz crutches suck and i don't know how long i can carry your pink purse. Just remember that when you are off those crutches your arms will be huge and you can beat me up. Yay for abusive women. Um.... i say um a lot. Any ideas on what Malek should be for Halloween. I've thought about being a nudist, but i wouldn't have anywhere to stick my candy, no where comfortable at least, so i rejected that- sorry Kim. hehehe. There is always male stripper, i had some experience in that field at nicole's bday party, too bad when i strip, i strip like a 70 yr old woman from the 60's... if that makes any sense. I hate Halloween. Too much walking and then in the end, you gain weight. This holiday doesn't make sense. Plus the whole dressing up thing- what happened to being yourself and never trying to be someone else. This is a weird tradition. Plus we don't get school off- IT'S ON A SUNDAY THIS YEAR which sucks a monkey's ass. You know the baboon's, they got big pink ones, can you imagine? must be the laughing stock of the animal kingdom, besides the squirrel. everyone laughs at squirrels. i mean they are just fuzzy mice on their hind legs. Get your own identity you wanna-bes, hey they would be great for Halloween. Maybe i should be a squirrel, being an animal that tries to be another animal. That is deep. I don't think many people would get the complexity of it. I would just look like a big furry ass. More than usual at least. Um so moving on... i said this was a short entry, that's funny, short isn't a word when talkin about my writin. Ya so i am doin a french project on voo doo. Very excited. If any of you readers experience random pokes of pins at random hours of the day, you can thank me for spiting you. Funny story, i was bored in Analysis today aka Anal, and so i started making a list for the project: VOO DOO IDEAS... and then i think Milne saw it cuz she gave me a funny look. lol. One item on the list was Human/Animal Sacrifices. Any ideas? Any suggestions? I have a few. For animals i say squirrels, for people i will not express my thoughts. For you might be one of them. Good luck to you with that. hehehe. Um i think this entry is pretty long so i should end it soon. I will try and stay up with it, i love updating after i update, yay for comments. Plus i can be sooo random .... it's just the stuff that goes through my head all the time
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