Jul 05, 2006 21:52
Okay, I'm only writing this to please Andee.
Welcome to my LiveJournal. Yes, I finally got one after I found out MySpace deletes old entries after a while.
My life is going to suck majorly for the next couple weeks, so any random words of encouragement would be much appreciated throughout this time.
Term paper to write for Monday.
Mid-term Wednesday, with 6 chapters of reading.
Mid-term following Monday, with 2 and a half weeks worth of homework assignments.
Programming project (just assigned today) due following Wednesday, and I have to teach myself the material as part of the assignment.
On top of my 3 projects ... that's right, 3 ... at work. I only work 20 hours a week, but they want to make me do 44 hours worth of work.
Yeah, gonna try to have a meeting with my manager to get the corporate dogs someone else to chew on. (My manager's been pretty cool about my predicament with UCF.) If they want me to do that much work, they had better get me off the UCF payroll and onto their own so I don't have to deal with so much crap.
That's about all I have time for the next couple weeks. I am so stressed out, so please don't exacerbate the situation.
Oh, and for those couple of you who know some other stuff, I don't plan on trying anything until I get through this, so don't give me a hard time about it right now.
Thanks a bunch. See y'all on the flip side unless I fall before I get there.