Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): none
Summary: King Edmund has a life almost entirely devoid of trouble. Or rather, he would if politics and Susan’s suitors would stop getting in the way.
Pairing(s): Susan/Rabadash? A little? Sort of?
Spoilers: The Horse And His Boy. Some for The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. Vague allusions to most of the other books, here and there.
Author’s Notes: This is a longish fanfic I wrote telling the story of The Horse and His Boy from a Narnian perspective - specifically Edmund's. I actually finished it...two-ish months ago, so it's not hot off the presses or anything. The link goes to the first chapter, and from there are links to the following ones. So...yeah. Enjoy. :)
The Trials of King Edmund