Jan 05, 2004 00:33
finally! the opportunity to get out of the shithole that is lynnwood. onto a more interesting house with good people and a damn good time... now all i need is this to happen now so i don't have to deal with my job anymore! too much friggin estrogen! i feel like i'm drowning in period blood and drama and low self esteem! ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHh matey! so yeh. sumpin's gotta give... some school will have to want me enough... or rather... maybe some community college here will let me attend as a FUCkINg frESHMAN! alllllll over again since i can't get back to any school that will accept my whole semester of art class credits.
yeh... but even that final last option doesn't seem to be too promising until another year goes by... and i think by then my head will have exploded.
eh... maybe it's just that today i am having strong homicidal urges!!!!!!!!! errrrrrrrgh.
this too shall pass, but not fucking fast enough.
-juuuuuuuli that seems to have no one left from her pre yellowstone life... since they all seem too good or something. whatever. youre just reigniting the match over our bridge. so fuck you too. and that was too all of you guys not just one