Another false alarm......

Jul 25, 2002 16:07

Well, the cramps last night turned out to be nothing like I thought. *sigh* I knew it was nothing but I'm still a bit disappointed.
I crawled back into bed at about 6.30 this morning and Marco and I snuggled for a bit until Gianni came in and crawled into bed with us for a snuggle too.
Marco was a bit upset that I didn't wake him and tell him what was going on last night but he couldn't have done anything anyway and him fussing around me would have driven my crazy.
So I was like a zombie most of the morning then went for a lie down after lunch.

And Tracey who sat up with me until gone 2am this morning listening to me prattle on about some stuff that has been bothering me lately. She made me laugh and cry and then comes up with a sentence like: *U know if we don't get this sorted now we can be in real trouble* We being the operative word considering we were discussing MY problems and how I was feeling. There's this bloke I know quite well that I happen to think is pretty smart and he tells me that "You are the brightest star shining in the darkest night sky"....I can't argue with that. You are my best friend and I love you. Thanks Hunni.

Other than that not a lot has happened today. I spoke to Nonna this morning for a while and even she is sounding a bit excited about the imminent arrival of Abrianna. Which is petty cool in my book because she's certainly seen enough baby's arrive over the years. I miss her a lot right now. Probably because my mum is still away but I cant wait to see her again.

Gianni, who has been out somewhere doing something with somebody all day (I find it best not to ask) has just come home with a load of seafood for dinner which looks Yummy especially the lobster and crab. He's amazed at how cheap this kind of stuff is here. I guess I kind of take it for granted and I moan constantly that king prawns are about $12 a kilo here but even by Sydney standards that's cheap. I suppose it's just what you're used to. And everything in Milano is at a 200% markup so maybe he's right.

I asked him if he was serious about taking one of the girls out to dinner and he says he is but it will have to wait until he gets back to Italy.Unless its Tracey or Taniza He also promised to be on his best behavior. I mentioned to him the possibility of a romantic candle light dinner with Marco if he guesses right too and he laughed his head off and said he didn't think he's ever had such an ugly date before which I thought was rude.

Anyway I'm off to make a salad to go with dinner....
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