Jun 05, 2002 06:47
Does anyone here have a spare code for LJ they could email to me?
When I started this journal It was so Marco could catch up on whats happening with me and the baby when we're on opposite sides of the world. And because of this I've always had my journal set for public reading.
Of course its become a bit more than that now and i quite enjoy jotting down my inane ramblings but It seems there are people reading it now that I absolutely don't want to. Before anyone gets paranoid it's nobody I know through LJ the forum or MSN.
If I set it to friends only then Marco wont be able to read it. which kind of defeats the purpose of the bloody thing in the first place.
So I was hoping someone might have a code so I can sign Marco up and he can still read here and I can set my Journal to friends only.
Failing that i'm going to delete everything because i'm not comfortable writing here anymore.
Thanks in advance :)