changed my mind...i'm going ot pick smaller funny lines from tv shows, and use them as subjects. maybe i'll make a game out of it. a gold star for whoever can guess which show its from. although, i may be the only one who watches this much tv...
haven't really been up to much. we've been working on the same chunks at winterguard for the past month. it sucks. although i'm still super sore after every rehersal. i just want to finish the show. the DRILL at least. but i have faith. it will all work out in the end. these days i've been thinking a lot about where i'm going to go after i age out. i still have one more year at v-club after this one. and jamie and i have talked about going to pride after she ages out, but that leaves me a winter for nothing. i think i want to go somewhere like onyx maybe, always in finals, but in the lower part, so it would be like pride training. anyone want to go with me? i'm looking at you it's not for another two winters though. so we'll see.
katherine heigl at the premier of dream girls. LOVE. she's izze on grey's anatomy, if you don't know. that belt is beautiful.the bag is beautiful. not so hot on the open toed heels. she looks SO tall. it took me a while, but i think she's my favourite on the show. next to sandrah oh.
these kinds of things are going to be part of my regular updates. sorry if it wigs you out or anything. i'll try to keep it limited to my ultimate fav pictures. wait. did i just say 'wigs you out'? oh man...