You Just Might Be Dreaming (New Song!!)

Nov 05, 2013 19:31

It's a little song about stuff you encounter in dreams, and usually ONLY in dreams.

Find the BtVS reference!

Here are the lyrics:

If you're searching for it but forgot what it is
You just might be dreaming
If the walls won't stay put and something's amiss
You just might be dreaming
If you can’t find a private place to take a piss
You just might be dreaming

If you're at your hall locker back in your old school
With your hand on the combo, you feel like a fool
'Cuz you know you should know it. Your brain is so cruel
'Cuz really, you're just dreaming

If you're watching a vid and now you're inside it
Then you might be dreaming
If, instead of walking, you find yourself gliding
Then you might be dreaming
If you can't decide if you're riding or driving
You just might be dreaming

If you raise up your hand to turn on your light
And you look and you see it's still sitting there right
Where you left it, try moving a leg and you might
Discover you've been dreaming

If you find yourself pantsless while out and about
Then you might be dreaming
If nobody hears it when you start to shout
Then you might be dreaming
If your teeth are so loose you can pull them right out
You just might be dreaming

If comic book characters give you what for
If you find it impossible to lock your door
If your kitchen has turf there instead of a floor
You just might be dreaming

(Remember, you wear the cheese, it does not wear you!)

If pictures all change when you try to trace them
Then you might be dreaming
If lights burn out even right as you replace them
Could be that you're dreaming
If folks disappear when you turn to face 'em
You just might be dreaming

If you can't recall how you got where you are
If you have no idea where you parked your car
If it hits you what Frank meant by "sleep in a jar"
Then you might be dreaming

dreaming, just john, music, btvs, songs

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