Apr 28, 2005 11:55
I still love Lola. She is going to an avian specialist tonight, so I can be sure she is nice and healthy. Luckily there is a really good one 6 miles from my home!!! I am reading the book “Guide to a Well-Behaved Companion Parrot”, which has helpful insight into bird behavior. Lola tends to be nippy (not too hard anymore; thank god!). I think she’s doing it to be playful, and determine the ‘pecking order’. I also think she does it when she gets over-stimulated or tired. So with things I’ve learned from this book, I am trying to limit the amount and severity of her nips. Sometimes I do earthquake, but more often I push my fingers towards her beak instead of away, which makes her let go. Then I hold her beak with my fingers, which signifies I am top bird. She likes it; it is so funny. She is 2 ½ years old, so she is in her ‘toddler’ phase, which means she is still pretty baby-like and will be testing me a lot. I love how expressive she is with her body language and vocalizations. She is a real cutie. It is hard having the birds quarantined, because I feel my cockatiels are being left out since Lola is in the living room with me, and they are in my bedroom. I still pay attention to them every night, but Lola is the one who gets more visual time and interaction with me. Sad :( At least I know it’s not long-term. I am also starting to work with Pixie’s screaming behaviors, which is difficult since he is isolated so much. I also think my birds don’t get enough light, and hope to buy one of those full-spectrum lights I’ve heard bird owners talk about. It is supposed to help improve their mood by ensuring they process calcium, or something like that. They don't get enough light from windows, cause they filter out UVA or UVB light; can't remember which...