My new website will go live soon, probably within the next two weeks, and one of the links in my nav bar leads to this blog. I've heard several disparaging comments about LiveJournal over the past year in grad school, from "who still uses LiveJournal?" to "there's a such thing as a popular LiveJournal blog?"...but I'm pretty adamant about staying here. Hey, it works for
mandyhubbard. It works for
jmeadows. And I admire and respect them both.
People are of course welcome to their opinions, and I know LJ isn't perfect--there have been all kinds of uproars over the past eleven or twelve years. (I've had this LJ for nine years and a different one for a few years before that.) But those eleven or twelve years have solidified my LJ loyalty. All of my stuff is here, the details of the past nine years of my life, even though a lot of it is hidden from the general public through LJ's nifty friends-only features. I've written Blogger blogs and my TV blog (which is sorely in need of updating, ugh) lives on WordPress. But when it comes to personal stuff, LJ is my home.
But I don't know if my LJ friends are interested in publishing topics or my writing life, and I still can't figure out how public I want to make my personal life. I just wrote a 10-page paper on YA book publicity, and I learned that having a strong Internet presence is pretty much a necessity for aspiring YA authors since teens spend so much time online.
I'm a publishing professional. I'm an aspiring young adult author. I'm also a freelance writer/editor and I recently became an Internet marketer (the good kind, not the spammy kind). I really, really like books. And I probably need to publicly blog more than I do, since I have nine years of archives but most people can read maybe 10-20 posts total (and a lot of those are about TV), and that isn't great. I still need to figure out what exactly I'm comfortable talking about, but here's a start:
As of this coming Wednesday, I will complete all coursework needed for my Master of Arts in Publishing and Writing. I will graduate on May 16, 2011, and I will ride happily into the sunset* knowing that I will never have homework again.
And that's a neat feeling.
*Assuming, of course, I had a horse and could ride it in Boston and that graduation was at sunset. None of which are true.