Oct 30, 2008 00:28

Dear FList,

TV recommendations, please? I've just finished Six Feet Under and I need to find something else to watch.

-Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-Angel the Series
-Veronica Mars
-Queer As Folk
-The L Word
-Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
-Gossip Girl
-Friday Night Lights (except for the current season -- I don't get the channel so I'm going to download it all at the end)
-Project Runway (except for season 4)
-Pushing Daisies (except tonight's episode)
-The Tudors
-Six Feet Under
-Dead Like Me

The only show I've tried but can't get into is Life on Mars. I have a hard time watching cartoony shows (South Park, Futurama, ATHF, etc.) season by season because they're just so stupid after awhile... I love them in small doses. I need to get through the mini-series beginning of Battlestar Galactica. I've seen a lot/enough of That 70s Show, Room 401, America's Next Top Model, and The Amazing Race.

So, what can you recommend? =D


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