Boskone 45 Day 2

Feb 16, 2008 18:05

Boskone day 2 was pretty fun! I did the whole Airport shuttle to Silver line thing, and it wasn't super convenient, but it did save me some time and a lot of sanity. I saw a lot of Tammy today, as I attended two of her panels plus a reading from Bloodhound. I also got books autographed by Bruce Coville and MaryAnn Johansen. The other panels weren't all that great, but I had a fun enough time at them. I dislike the Westin Waterfront even more now because there's no food other than the hotel's grossly overpriced mushy slop... even though the food court at the Pru was hardly superior, at least there were options. I am very hungry right now.

The good thing about Boskone - one of many good things about Boskone - is that it always puts me in a somewhat writerly mood... which I haven't been in for ages now. It makes me want to work on AF, which I maybe hopefully will get around to doing sometime soon. Maybe even tonight, once I have some food in my system. Not that I have anything here at eat at all, but whatever. I feel like Chinese food.

Tomorrow after the final day of Boskone, I'm going to Eric's. I have Monday off, so this will probably wind up being an all-night-Sunday-all-day-Monday hangout, which I'm definitely looking forward to.

I went to a panel today about favorite genre TV shows because I needed some new ideas about what to watch next, and I would like my FList to weigh in on my possibilities list. Therefore, all of you TV junkies,
-Pushing Daisies
-Dexter (I already know I want to download this one because I've seen a couple of episodes and my parents have watched the entire show and they rave about it constantly)
-Sarah Connor Chronicles
-Life on Mars


Tomorrow I'm going to a panel on writing YA books, a panel on movies that make fun of the fantasy genre (like The Princess Bride, for instance), and possibly something else Tammy-related. We'll see how ambitious I'm feeling.

For now... Chinese food!


tamora pierce, celebrities, books, writing, tv, boskone

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