Jul 04, 2006 13:44
I've just found another reason to loathe computers... random numbers are not... or at least pseudo-random numbers are not. Here I am (unhappily) processing files containing up to 120 million numbers generated randomly (pseudo-) by various systems and I realised the the time difference between one run and another is not enough to change the seed for Java's random object. Guess who has to go back and re-generate her numbers..... WAAAAAA
Hopefully when I go do the re-gen... it will take approximately 24 hours to generate all the numbers I need ... I'll have a bit more space on one of our simulation machines.... I filled 80Gig last night and I don't have a complete set...
Why did the results of the first test have to be so strange... Ah, I remember; I'm doing a Phd... I'm supposed to get strange results.... SNIFFFFFFFFFFF Of course now I have to explain them... I failed technical writing 101... I'm in trouble... Add in the fact that my supervisor doesn't seem confident in my writing and you can understand why I might be a little phased by this....
At least I have interesting results.... This is a good thing.