Oy vey, Britney.
Julio is not happy at all right now. Julio has had a very difficult couple of weeks. And yes, by "a couple" I mean only two, and the second is yet to be over. I've been through a bad sunburn, allergic reactions, a bad cold and an eye infection with a white ring inside my iris. Yes, I too thought that was the end of my troubles. But alas, on the contrary. I was quite wrong.
When I came down with my cold I fell extremely ill. I was bedridden for three days. I would attempt to get up to use the restroom and would return to the bed after no more than two footsteps because I would become extremely dizzy and light-headed (I had no energy to make myself food). Unfortunately, I had just done laundry. Yes, I am aware of the policy. I know of the sign saying that clothes shouldn't be left in the room for over 24 hours. But to tell you the truth, when I wasn't sleeping within those 72 hours I was not in the least bit concerned with my laundry rather than thinking of ways to kill myself to end this viral hell.
So on Tuesday I went to pick up my laundry. It's nowhere to be found in the laundry room. Not in any of the dryers, or even the washers. I walked up to the front desk. The DA (desk assistant) was a real bitch about telling me that my clothes must havebeen thrown out. Great way to be curteous. I went to my room and called Gisela but she wasn't available, so I contacted the Housing Office and they told me that they in fact had been discarded in the trash after 24 hours. At least this woman showed sympathy.
Thus FIU has royally fucked Julio in the ass. I guess it was bound to be my turn sooner or later to fall victim to the prostitutional entity that is Florida International University.
I'm sorry, but we pay enough to this school for tuition and housing. There could at least be a Lost & Found area. If somebody leaves clothes in the laundry room, there must be a pretty good reason. Somebody wouldn't leave their shit in thereforthe mere pleasure of occupying space. Especially three fucking loads, which amount to over $500 in clothing (including every DLP shirt I own -- yes, even my jersey [EDIT] My jersey was in my closet! yay! [/EDIT]), sheets, towels, etc. I have no underwear. Furthermore, it's not like I was blocking the flow of machine usage -- when I did my laundry there were no machines running and they were all empty!!! We're in the limbo-period between move-out and move-in for Christ's sake! Nobody's here to use these machines!!!
In conclusion, Julio has become very bitter and resentful towards his post-secondary educational institution. Julio no longer has any desire to contribute any further monetary payments to a place that would treat him as such. Julio has expressed his desire several times to his parents about returning to his home in New Jersey and mapping out his education there rather than condone such wretched and vile hospitality.
F ucking
I ncompetent
U niversity
Next time you cheer for FIU at Homecoming, think of what you're really supporting.
Many thanks to my brothers, Sam for the flowers (they really, really made me feel so much better -- I cried lol) and for taking grocery shopping Tuesday night right as Hiram dropped me off from work. And also to John (
jpa4usa) for coming to pick me up at the Student Health Center in order to take me to my emergency eye doctor appointment. My eye feels soooooooo much better now -- and it's no longer pink!