Dec 22, 2009 17:16
Upon going through my old posts I spotted one about childhood memories and started thinking about childhood Christmas memories...
I remember not being able to sleep but crashing about 20 minutes after presents were finally opened.
I used to crawl under the tree and stare up at the lights, musing on the way that the colors reflected off the metallic icicles..
My mother had ( and most assuredly still has) a table centerpiece of angles covered in that uber fine angel's hair stuff that fascinated me..
Our Tree topper was this antique angel.. printed on cardboard but well preserved.. the angel looks like something from the 20's.. I so love it.. and I want it when my mom passes..
I love the old fashioned colored bulbs, you know the ones.. the bulbs that fit into the palm of your hand?.. love those...
I've always love the creche..personally I don't believe that Christ was born on the 25th of December, but I love the story and my father made ours out of a long forgotten toy.. Lincoln logs... and my mother was into ceramics and painted the figures that went inside.. it's absolutely beautiful and another thing I would like to inherit.. along with some dip and drape wise men that my mother made.. just the wise men and the camel.. she never did complete the set.. but I love them!
I remember a tree filled with very special ornaments including stuff that we'd made in school throughout the years.. and the colored 'disco ball' ornaments on my grandmother's tree!
I remember feeling sorry for my sister's best friend who wasn't allowed to open anything until her dad had gone and picked up her grandmother! lol
I remember that all my relatives used to come to our house on christmas day because it was the biggest.. my cousins Darl and Monica and later their little sister Cori would come with their folks, who always brought a huge tray of yummys! My cousin Steven and then later all his little siblings, my cousin Mike(y) who Steven and I used to lock in the back bedroom closet- and then of course deny everything) and later his little sister Kimberly... couldn't wait until they all came over to hear what THEY'd gotten from Santa.
My uncle would bring my grandma and my mom's kitchen would always be filled with laughing and often arguing...and at some point my overly melodramatic Scorpio would find something upsetting and make her way to the bedroom in tears.. and my soft hearted Taurean father would go and sooth her ruffled feathers... just in time to serve dinner.. which was always a retardedly dry turkey! I remember that each year we would dare each other to take a drink of milk after taking a bite of cranberry sauce.. one of us would think " well I don't remember it being THAT bad." and inevitably take a drink.. and we'd all laugh at the 'ick' faces he/she made.. seems we would all feel bad and take a bite/a drink too..
As we got older, we lost cousin Darl.. saw less and less of other cousins.. but managed to take my moms stress with me into adulthood.. thanks mom..
I proceeded to try to make some very Martha Stewart memories for my own kids, finding that none of us really enjoyed that.. so we started our own traditions, and now I'm enjoying my kids as adults and enjoying their respective boy/girlfriends too... looking forward to one day having grandbaby memories... until then.. loving Christmas with my new husband...