(no subject)

May 16, 2010 13:56


Character name: Anemone
Fandom: Eureka Seven
Timeline: Sometime after episode 13.
Age: It's actually unknown, but she looks to be around 16-17.

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
First off Anemone is really strong for such a tiny girl. She can bring people trained in the army to their knees with a solid punch or kick. She also does this quite a lot so um, have fun with that, guys. However she still has nothing on the obviously super powered people. Alas.

But her real skill is with piloting TheEND (which will be more fully explained below but it's pretty much her giant robot). To be quite honest, the only way the main characters were able to beat her was by cheating. As in, they had to summon the power of Amita Drive which manifested their LOVE to defeat her. Yes you read that right. This series should be renamed to LOVE & ROBOTS. But yeah, that was only their second battle with her and she pretty much trounced everyone else who went against her. The reason for this is because normally Anemone is very unstable, and she has to take drugs in order to help this. Said drugs put her in a pretty much damn psychotic state (she starts chanting about wanting to melt their brains even). She puts all her efforts into making sure that whoever she's against ends up dead.

Now, onto her mecha: Nirvash typeTheEND. All of the robots are called Light Finding Operations, or LFOs. The military ones are Kraft Light Fighter, or KLF. They're pretty much like bio-machinery. The LFOs are made from skeletons uncovered from the Scub Corals, and are outfitted with machinery to make them what they are. It also seems that they're sentient, but only TheEND and ZERO have showed this. The LFOs also have two forms; they can change from a humanoid one (think of Gundam) to a regular vehicle mode. Although TheEND hasn't been seen in its vehicle mode so, yeah. It also has weapons up the ass-- retractable claws, knives, homing lasers, and something called Vascud Crisis which basically... it's kind of like mind rape, in a way. Very bad stuff.

How would they use their abilities?:
For her own benefit, aha. Since we don't have a Dewey she won't really willingly use TheEND that much. But if you annoy her? Don't be surprised if she bites you. She is not afraid of violence.

Anemone is a very pale girl, who is normalish for her height/weight. She's most noticeable feature is the long pink hair that stops at her waist. It's decorated by yellow barrettes. Besides that, she has purple eyes (with a a pink line going through them) and a collar around her neck. Her dress is white with yellowish and orange stripes. And it also looks like there is a hula hoop attached in the bottom. Really. Also she wears high heels.

So once upon a time there was this chill planet called Earth! And Earth was like, sup rest of the galaxy I'm really cool and shit. And this alien species called the Scub Coral was like holy shit Earth is really cool and shit let's check it out. And then Earth was like OH MY GOD I'M REALLY NOT THAT COOL GET OFF OF ME but the Scub Coral already moved in, literally merging and covering the entire planet, and all the people of Earth were just fuck this shit and left to space. Over 10,000 years later they were searching for a new home after the one they found started to die, and they saw a planet and were like wow that place is cool and shit. And they moved in without knowing it was Earth.

And all of that happens before the series even starts. E7 is pretty much the tale of a young boy named Renton who falls in love with the mysterious Eureka who... crashes through his roof. She's also a Coralian, which is a human-like manifestation of the Scub Coral. The series pretty much shows how Renton goes from a loser who has to deal with family issues and living in nowheresville, to being a member of the infamous group called Gekko State, having to deal with the hardships of relationships, and facing the evil doings of the military aka the U.F. Force (this last one is what's important for this app).

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Anemone who lived with her mommy, daddy, and pet badger... ish... thing aka Gulliver. They were all very happy. That is, until the Summer of Love happened. It was kind of like Woodstock except with more death, destruction, and mass chaos. So it was nothing like Woodstock. And during that time, Anemone lost everything-- her city, her friends, her parents. It was just her and Gulliver. Luckily for her, the military was nice enough to take care of her and be loving awwwww. Just kidding, they were just gathering up a bunch of girls to experiment on and turn into fake Coralians because they lost Eureka to Gekko State. Anemone was the only one to survive the experiments, but even then she became littered with problems both physically and mentally. She had massive headaches that actually made her scream and she also suffered from nosebleeds and other pains. The only way to treat this was by injecting a specially made medication into her neck. In short, she was pretty much a nutcase.

Yet since she was the closest thing to a success they could hope to produce at the time being, they kept her and trained her and INJECTED SHIT INTO HER NECK. And despite all of this, she was okay with it. She became really attached to Dewey who she saw as a kind of savior. Although Dewey was actually a sociopath who really hated the Scub Coral, and his entire plan revolved around making either Eureka or Anemone fuse with its core in order to destroy it from the inside. The key to this trick is the collars that they both wear! But, of course, Anemone was unaware of his crazy ways, and she was content in being away from him afterward until he fully needed her.

Fast-forward a few years later. So Renton has joined Gekko State, and he and Eureka have activated the Amita Drive in their mecha the Nirvash typeZERO. So Dewey calls on Anemone, and gives her the mission of destroying typeZERO. He then puts her in the care of Dominic who, admittedly at first, just a smug bastard. But he ends up being pretty attached to Anemone so it's all good. Anyway, Anemone is pretty content-- she gets to prove herself to her One True Love, after all. She quickly becomes comfortable in the ship, bossing the officers around and eating pretty much anything that looks delicious (mainly jam). Everything's chill.

That is, until it's time to fight. By that time, her head is starting to hurt, and she's getting paranoid. Dominic realizes that there's no way that she'd be able to fight in her current condition, so he does the only thing he can: Medicate her. After the deed is done, Anemone is quite eager to get on with the job and she rushes to TheEND. So in her first battle against ZERO, Anemone pretty much curb stomps them. But at the very last moment, the Amita Drive activates and sends her, Renton, and Eureka into an area inside the Scub Coral (or more specifically, a Coralian) called the Zone. And inside is like a... dream world... thing. I honestly don't know how to describe it other than an episode of Neon Genesis. Afterward, Anemone and Eureka are passed out and are both in severe pain, and Dominic and Renton go on a field trip to get them medicine. It's pretty cute, but not important considering our girl was practically in a coma at the time. Anyway, they all go home, and Anemone is pissed off because she failed Dewey.

I'm taking her from shortly after this, but here's a short summary of what happens after. The rest of her (few) appearances really follow the same formula: She's sent to battle typeZERO, but after the heroes learned to fully use the Amita Drive it became pretty impossible for her to beat them. Because she was lacking their love. The more her failures accumulate, the less need Dewey has for her. He finally comes up with a new plan regarding a bunch of creepy children, and Anemone realizes that they're her "replacement" of a sort. The real kicker is that they weren't even her actual replacement-- during all of this, Dewey's scientists were experimenting on more girls to make an even more complete Coralian clone. All their attempts continued to fail, but the moment they create one they were planning on getting rid of Anemone. The pressure stacks even more heavily on her, and she becomes even more desperate to please ~*~Dewey~*~. She finally learns that Dewey is a psychopath (he actually tells her of his plans), but at that point she lost all hope and just didn't even care anymore. She was willing to go on a suicide mission to destroy the Scub Coral, but then Dominic saves the day, proclaims her love for her, TheEND sacrifices itself for them, and they live happily ever after. But yeah, that's not too important unless I ever... canon update her or something.

Okay, so there are many sides to her personality, and all of them are pretty abrasive. To begin with, she has a bit of a superiority complex. She only cares about a few things, and they are herself, Gulliver, TheEND, and Dewey. If you're not listed there, she'll treat you like dirt. Or if it's not dirt, she won't really acknowledge you as someone worth her time unless you amuse her in some shape or form. She'd have no problem talking to you then, as long as you're aware that it's a superficial relationship. She doesn't care about you. You're like a toy. When she's like this, she can be pretty flirtatious and playful and she can even say some pretty suggestive things. But like said before, it's all for her own amusement. She's pretty much a brat, if you like condensed summaries.

And why? Because she gets bored easily. Even though she may giggle and play around like the cutest of girls, her default setting is pretty much a moody bitch. She'll lay around all day, and honestly do nothing but brood. She's pessimistic, and she tends to bring the mood down with her. At least when she's being social, her insults are usually hidden in the form of teasing, but at this point they're just brutal. She's also very quick to anger, and her temper is just horrible. Usually this is when the side effects of all the experimentation kicks in. And once that happens, she's pretty much unbearable to be around. She will hit you, and curse you, and do everything possible to make you aware that she is not well. And if this lasts long enough, it unusually ends with her becoming extremely frightened and paranoid of her surroundings. She'll cry. IT'S REALLY NOT PRETTY AT ALL.

And the only way to stop the headaches is to, like stated before, take her medication. And the best way to describe how she is after taking it is... well, batshit. She becomes very energetic and peppy and-- well, wanting to kill you. Although she's normally violent, when she's medicated she becomes bloodthirsty. She wants nothing else but to tear you apart, limb from limb, and then set your corpse on fire. Eventually it wears off, but still. Obviously she was invited to a lot of parties.

One of the most important-- if not the-- part of her personality is her hero-worship of Dewey. It's like an obsession. After being "saved" by him, her whole life revolves around pleasing Dewey. He wants her to defeat Renton and Eureka, so even though she hates piloting TheEND, she does it. And when she fails to do this time and time again, she gets depressed and even has no problem going on a suicide mission. So yes, Dewey = very important in shaping who she is even though he's a diiiick.

Although it is possible for her to genuinely like you if you're not Dewey, it'll just take... a lot of work. Like, a lot. But the possibility is still there. Also she's a fatass.

Why should that character be in this game: \o_O/

Why do you want to continue their history here: \o_O/!!

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: \o_O/!!!!!

Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret, jobs, commissions, mooching off people, etc.

1st person sample:
[ The feed clicks on to show a very broken, distressed girl who looks as if she's about to cry. That is, until it shifts slightly to the left, and another (pink-haired) girl becomes present. ]

Are you stupid? Look, his name is Dewey. Dew-ey. You've had to have heard of him. Just go find him, tell him that I'm here, and I'll forgive you for wasting my time, okay?

[ The distraught girl shakes her head. Anemone groans before tossing a stack of papers (which are most likely her forms) into the other's face. She then turns to face the Guide fully. ]

Is anyone there? Good. Now explain what's going on since that girl obviously couldn't. Who was the idiot that let the world blow up, or whatever it is that happened? There's no way Dewey would have let something like that happen on his watch, he would have known about it. And then he would have told--

[ A pause. It looks as if she's seriously contemplating something for a moment, but her face contorts into an expression of disgust. ]

Whatever. Just someone bring me something to eat, I'm starving. Nothing sour, I only like sweet things. Eh? I have to fill out the forms first? What the hell are you-- [ She looks down. ]

I was supposed to keep those?

3rd person sample:
Her head was killing her.

The pain was murderous, tearing at her skull, making it almost impossible for her to look at anything without tears forming. Anemone had been sitting in a fetal position on her made for an hour, only moving when that uncomfortable, numb sensation began to creep into her legs. The headache infuriated her, causing her to curse violently at random intervals. It hurt.

She wasn't sure what she hated more: The headache, or the feeling of helplessness that accompanied it. She denied any help that was offered to her-- well, she yelled at anyone who offered help, which scared the person away. It was the same thing to her, really. Anemone didn't need them anyway. She had a trusty sidekick to depend on. With a groan, Anemone turned to face the ball of fur that sat at her feet. Roughly, she kicked at her pet to gets his attention. Gulliver rolled twice before giving the girl his full attention.

"Do something," she demanded. Her voice came out weaker than she had intended, but she ignored that. And so did Gulliver. The creature merely curled back into his original position, nestling into the bed's comforter. It was all Anemone could do to hold back a scream of frustrated rage.

"I didn't say nap," Anemone continued. "We're in space, come on! There has to be a pain killer that's strong enough to stop this. Why can't you just go out there and find some, or something?"

The sound of snores answered her.

She wasn't sure what she hated more: The headache, or the fact that her pet was so damn stupid. The latter was beginning to inch ahead in first place.

ooc: app

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