My server continues to be down! So sorry guys! But this has Not Been My Day and that has kind of been the least of my worries =|
Daily Doodle: In adversity, I revert to childhood! And my childhood basically was Dragonball, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon, and I am not ashamed.
This here is Chi-Chi, who gets a SERIOUSLY bad rap since most people seem to remember her from DBZ the most, where she is The Annoying Mom -- as opposed to The Strongest Woman in the World and oh yeah by the way she can kick your ass. Guys, remember that part? Where she was the strongest woman in the world until it turned out half her friends were aliens? Chi-Chi was the strongest human female until Videl came along, and I maintain that Chi-Chi rocks.
Also, Toriyama's older style is hard and I cannot do it. End of story.
Time: 45 mins or so I guess
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