Title: Awake really, I am out of title ideas right now
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Zell
Rating: PG, I guess
Crit/Feedback: Always welcome! times a billion!
Notes: A present for
bottle_of_shine. She was having a hard time recently and I was all like "shit I am so out of touch fuck fuck what does Nay like -- she still likes Seifer/Zell, RIGHT?????" and kind of dashed this out in.... record time, I think. I'm getting faster. As always, more gripy arteest notes under the cut.
A/N: I am beginning to suspect that there might be some kind of... personal style lurking under all this scribbling. I try to stick to canon, I really do, but I can tell that I'm being pulled in some direction that... is entirely me, I guess. I guess that's neat?
In other news, I think this might have the best "time spent on it" vs " doesn't totally suck" ratio I've had so far. It took me a long time to work out the poses/anatomy (based loosely on a Japanese pic that Nay really liked that vanished into the aether years ago), but really it came together faster and better than I expected. Zell's face took forever, but I am very pleased with a number of things about it. First of all, I think his tattoo came out pretty well. I always like his tat to be bold and well-defined. Secondly, his face is at a slightly difficult angle -- not quite pure profile, titled just slightly up, and I'm moderately pleased with how it came out -- especially his nose, since noses are my nemeses. And I have FINALLY found a way to do his hair so that it doesn't completely fail although I'm still working on that re: Seifer >.>
There's some things that bug me, as usual -- Seifer's build isn't coming across the way I want it to, for one. I mean for him to be broad-shouldered but relatively slim, while Zell is just bulkier overall. Also something about their hands bothers me. But overall, I am not displeased =)
x-post: Dude, I give up on x-posting. I will put my faith in