[Art] Daily Doodle Dump MACH II: Aladdin, Final Fantasy X, Firefly, Lion King II, One Piece, Trigun

Aug 17, 2006 01:57

OH MY GOD I FAIL AT SCANNING ;______________________________;

But here we go, next doodle dump for the meme where you are, as always, welcome to request something! Just, uh, be aware, people seem to be taking me at my word here and now there is a WAIT. I am a little terrified but also very flattered ^^;

Usual disclaimer: these are doodles! By definition, they are not excellent! I do one of these every day, amongst all the other stuff I do and write and long-term drawing projects and blah, so, uh, yeah. Someday I will FINISH another drawing and upload that and you can see what it looks like when I take more then 10-30 minutes to do something >.>;;

Okay! I am going to do this in chronological order, because muggy_mountain has been patiently waiting FOREVER for her promised nekkid Auron (although I made him way skinny. WHY). AND HERE HE FINALLY IS:

And lambspam your Jasmine is finally here, with BONUS KITTY that I cheated and added later before inking the whole thing cause you've been waiting ;_; She was inked in brush pens, which are possibly the best thing ever.

I liked my Jasmine, and I rather liked the sketch of her so her it is all GRATUITOUS-like:

Okay, now Norland and Kalgara in pastels, which I did for me, because I was having a bad week and wasnt going to try to do things for other people when I couldn't at least try to do it right. I lurve pastels but I hate these. See? See? This is why I wouldn't do requests >.>

Then Vash's gun for flyboyminke. Mike, I am sorry, I fail at tech ;_________; This wasn't copied, either -- I made actual effort to study the gun design and recreate it from a different angle/pespective than any of my reference pics =P Also included is Vash's hand because I had to draw something I didn't suck at and also I like hands. Except I was trying to draw something good to distract from the suckiness of the gun and ended up FAILING at hands and now there is a sucky hand to make the gun look good. Totally intentional >.>

Next is Anastasia for megalotro! For those not in the loop, Ana is explained in the second installment of Relativity, which you must read if you like One Piece, Smoker, Ace, Zoro, Tashigi, me, or Tro. Linkies! Relativity, Relativity, Too, Relativity, Too OMAKE and Relativity III is *cough* in progress *pokes Tro*. Also Tro has made her own SMEXY HAWT rendering of Ana so you can go see what she's SUPPOSED to look like.

And now for randomness: Kovu/Kiara for bottle_of_shine from The Lion King II which, I don't care what y'all say, rocked hard >=P Also I apparently don't fail at Disney style? Who knew? >.>

Also, here is the reason I don't draw tech. Ever. But I tried, flyboymike, I TRIED *WAILS* Plus I am a tard and you know, I couldn't just COPY off a screenshot. Oh, no. I had to get several references and draw it from a DIFFERENT angle/perspective. And refuse to use the line tool. As a result she looks kinda deformed. But hopefully recognizable?

And now, since I seem to have flushed out many a Ben and/or Ben/Shanks fan, here is matsoru's Ben and Shanks cuddling in yukata, because I told her I'd do it soon. I FAIL at yukata, but I kinda like it anyway? I am sorry matsoru, it's been a LOOOOONG week ;_;


Whew okay, also! I am going to be on a plane this Friday through Saturday and will have spotty scanner access for the next week or two. I'll keep doodling, but, uh, scandumps will be sporadic (like they haven't been up till now, ha) and also there will be LACK OF PHOTOSHOP. For me this means CRY but for y'all it means you don't have to suffer through my attempts at colour XD

[fandom] ff10 (c) auron, [fandom] disney: lion king, [fandom] op (c) ben beckman, [!medium] art: 0 doodles (masterpieces!), [fandom] disney, [!medium] art, [fandom] firefly (c) serenity, [fandom] firefly, [fandom] ff10 ! final fantasy x, [fandom] op (c) kalgara, [fandom] op (c) norland, [fandom] op ! one piece, [fandom] op (c) shanks, [!project] daily doodle, [fandom] trigun, [fandom] op (s) ben/shanks, [fandom] disney: aladdin

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