Sep 02, 2004 21:57
Is it wierd that the last few nights I have had some pretty freaky dreams. Let me explain. While these are not scary, nightmare dreams, every dream I have had lately has involved one or both of my dead grandparents. My Grandmother on my Mom's side and my Grandfather on my Dad's side. Both dead. And what's freakier is from what I remember, they are trying to tell me something or convey some sort of message to me. Kinda scary, right? Yeah...I think so too. moving on to funny, happy things...
I think potheads could be the funniest people ever. Just a thought I had not two seconds ago as I was reflecting on all the various pothead friends I have ever had and those I have heard talk. Funny shizz dude. Seriously.
In other news, my brother begins his Jr football season tomorrow night with a game against Liberty Bell HS. I am very excited to go home and watch him play (as a proud brother should be). He is a starter both ways and is very, very, very good (and I am not just saying that). Zach kicks football ass. It is simple as that.
My cooperating teacher called me today and was like "have a nice weekend...we really don't have anything else left to do to set up the classroom." That is awesome. Mr. Taylor is such a cool, laid back guy. I am pumped to be in the same classroom with him.
I've been watching the Republican Nat'l Convention the last couple days and I gotta be honest...I know it is the "IN" thing right now to rip on Bush and say he is doing a horrible job, but in all honesty, I think he has been doing a DAMN FINE JOB. Seriously. He is a very honest, straightforward man who has very good integrity and is not wishy-washy or afraid to back down from percieved threats. It is a tragedy that we don't hear more of the good things that Bush has done for this country, cause he really has done alot. We are sort of force-fed what we see and hear because 90% of the news organizations out there are owned by Liberals and Democrats, therefore we only see what they want us to...and it is usually that Bush did THIS bad thing today or that Bush did THAT bad thing today. He is a good guy and a good president. Maybe I am just biased, but I do consider myself very political and take politics very seriously. I like to keep myself informed because believe it or not, we DO have a strong voice in how this country gets run. I am gonna vote Bush come election time. If you don't take my word for it, that is fine...but I just challenge you to this: Don't just vote for anyone 'cause Hollywood and the Media News organizations have made it seem like it is the 'popular' thing to do. Please take my advice and at least educate yourself on the candidates (and by educate I do NOT mean just vote for who some Hollywood actress or big name music artist say to vote for). Believe it or not, the two party system is what makes America great and the fact that we have the right to vote. People throughout history have given their lives and many wars have been fought for the right to vote. Don't waste your opportunity. Alright...enough preaching.
I don't really have much more to say...It has been a boring last couple of days. I hope all of you RA/Mgr friends out there have a fun-filled training and I guess you will hear from me another time.