I am feeling absolutely drained right now. Being on duty after one of the longest days in recent memory is just the worst thing that can happen at this moment. Seriously.
So I was watching this show "captured:" on MSNBC the other night, and they were showing actual exorcisms and stuff. I'm not gonna lie to you, it freaked me out. As a Christian guy, I am not a believer in ghosts or any of that kinda stuff, but the existence of demons and spiritual warfare is something that I think is all too real. There is a constant war out there for souls and being humans, we are the battlegrounds, so to speak. The struggle between the powers of Satan and God, with our souls as the ultimate prize, is a scary concept....if you aren't sure which side you are fighting on. Now, I'm not gonna get into the theological realm of this...mainly because I am not as knowledgeable in that area to speak on it. But I am of the belief that Christians cannot be possessed by demons. This comes from the fact that in the Bible, it states that where God resdes, evil cannot dwell. And when you accept Christ, you are allowing Christ himself to come and live inside you. Christ, you remember, is part of the Holy Trinity, and is essentially God. Therefore, I can never be possessed. But I gotta be honest, I am freaked out for those people around me who do not believe in God. The stuff I saw on that TV show was seriously scary. Think "The Exorcist", but not as Hollywood, yet close. And I know some of you say "Well Justin, the Exorcist was SOOOOO not scary" Speak for yourself is all I can say. That movie freaked me out. Mainly this is because it is the only scary movie out there that I think could actually happen in real life. There are freaky things out there man. FREAKY THINGS. Like I said before, I am glad I am on the winning side. Yet, I don't think I have the balls enough to call out a demon and exorcise them out of another human. That takes alot of nerve and Godly power.
And I'm not trying to be preachy at all. I'm just saying it scared me the other night when I was watching this. And those of you who know me, know I don't scare easily. (Except, again, when it comes to sleeping in my dead great-grandpa's bed...but that is neither here nor there. It was all in my mind. But thanks for the company Kathy. You rock.)
Ummm...on a more happy note, my room here in Carmody stays really cool over here in the dreadful heat. I am very thankful that it sits on the north side of the building so the sun never directly hits it. My room is like a cave. Which is VERY NICE when you get back from hiking around campus all day, going to classes.
Alright...I think I am going to go do my last round and hit the sack. I am very, very tired.
You have been a great audience. Enjoy Taking Back Sunday! (shameless plug: Go buy their new album on July 27th)
Another shameless plug.