Hither, Yither, and Yonder

Feb 20, 2007 15:32

As Korey says, "there's just not enough time." After having six days off, I'm kinda looking forward to getting back to work...kinda not. But that's usually the way it is. Trip details are as follows:

7pm: left galveston, stopped by Baybrook mall to pick up Kayla's present and eat dinner
12am: check in to the hotel in Georgetown

12pm: check out and go to walmart for a few necessities, eat lunch at Schlotsky's, and look at a couple of apartments.
2pm: hit the road again
5pm arrive in Abilene beating my mom home from work. Pizza is ordered and presents are opened.

12pm: sleep in since mom is at work, the girls are in school and Kayla is grocery shopping.
3pm: Jen goes for a mani/pedi and I wait for dad to sneak out of the Harley shop so we can play golf. We do a short round of 9 and we come out about equal.
5pm: meet mom at the vet and pick up Rosey. Dinner and whatnot.

1030am: leave for grandma's, mom, Kayla, and the girls already in route. LUnch and Uncle David's birthday ensue. Catch up with Richard and Korey. Congrats to my bro for getting into the Police Academy after much BSing by the department. Open remaining Christmas presents.
430pm: visit Bigpa. Despite the cancer, he looks real good.
6pm: back at Grandma's, eat a little dinner and head back to Abilene. Girls get in trouble and don't get the story read to them tonight. Jen and I eat a little something at Arby's and retire for the night.

12pm: eat lunch with Jen at Zoo Kini's.
330pm: leave for Georgetown.
630pm: Arrive Georgetown and check in. Jen watches The Apprentice and I catch a nap.
940pm: Watch Ghost Rider. AWESOME!
12am: Eat dinner at IHOP
2am: bedtime

1030: Wakeup calls suck
12pm: Check out, look at a few more apartments and lunch at Schlotsky's (are we seeing a pattern yet?)
230: back on the road
630: Back in Galveston, get groceries, call work and tell them I'm too tired to work despite the extra $100 they were offering.
12am: back in bed.

My apologies to Randi for not calling or stopping by but I figured you guys had plans or were working. We'll see each other at Spring War.

Apologies to Stella for not doing the same while in Abilene. Just not enough time.

Was good to see family again. Hoping that Richard and Korey can get down here after he's done with Academy. We'll treat them to a ballgame and a night on the town.

Watch out UTMB, I'm refreshed and ready to rumbled!
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