Nov 13, 2005 23:51
And... I pooped blood today. TMI, I know, but for gods sake no one reads this but me anyway. I need to vent so that what LJ's for.
Yeah, I definitely pooped some major blood. Eaw. And Ow. And then I went to the ER and it took them 2 hours, 6 blood tests and all sorts of heart monitors to tell me that no, I am not dying and that no, they do not know what is wrong with me. The doctor said it could be three things and so he is treating me for all three just in case, and in the meantime I have to stop taking ibuprophen for my foot which is the size of a balloon. So where does that leave me? With an ever-swelling foot that hurts and more medicine than I can hold in my purse, which is never a good thing.
Also, I pooped blood. I think they should have consolation prizes for people who poop blood. Like a gold trophy, or a diamond tennis bracelet, or a kitten. Or at least they could erase my memory so I don't know that I was, in fact, a blood-pooper.
And ow.
EAW EAW mostly though.