On my classes website we have to upload images and talk about the meaning behind the image. Here is one I did.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is one of my favorite topics. There is also so much symbolism behind them.
Rider of the White Horse carries a bow and is given a Crown. Conquest goes forth conquering and brings judgment to false profits. Conquest can side in the realm of either evil or righteousness. In this image you’ll notice Conquest has NO “arrow head” at the point of his arrow. In some depictions of Conquest his bow has no string or arrow. This is said to represent a nonviolent rise to power.
Also, underneath Conquest you’ll notice Kings and profits cowering before him.
Rider of the Red Horse. War carries a sword and is sent forth to take peace from the earth, and let men kill one another. In this image you’ll see two men fighting each other. In some depictions, War is accompanied with the element of fire. Fire is often used as a visual representation for cleansing
Rider of the Black Horse. Famine carries balance is if to judge you for your sins. Famine brings forth famine and pestilence. In this image, below Famine you’ll see a man eating another man.
Rider of the Pale Horse. Death is followed by Hades. Death is sent to destroy over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Death is normally represented with a sickle. Underneath Death you’ll see… death…