Jun 15, 2004 21:56
Today...Last night while I was sleeping the dogs chewed up the invitations and I had to make new ones. SO I made new ones. Then after that I went and got Spencer and we handed them out...I gave the ones for the "Warrens" to Sue to hand them out. Before that we went to the carnival and hung for a little. That was a little boring. Then we went to Heidi's then to Megan's then to Thomas' and then Andie's to Urie's to Drew's to Mark's...then we hung for like five minutes. My mom then came and got us. This party is gonna be a hugr thing...its a party for the returning of the Warrens and for Megan and Thomas' leaving and an end to summer school and Donovan's party/hang out. It is gonna f***in' rock!!! I will not let you down. Well I relized today I am done with the fighting all the time bull shit and I'm now gonna look for the good in people and not gonna start fights. I'm not gonna worry all about making friends with people but if they like what I'm doing or like who I'm becoming they can be cool and hang with me. I don't care. No matter what any one says though Tearsa and even though David is annoyed with me he will always be my best friend. It will now be up to working and doing what I'm told. I just wish that he and everyone else can see that I'm trying. I'm not by any means am I trying to impress him to get him to change his mind because I know that every one and any one that I tell and can see will think I'm trying to make him like me...truth is I kind of am trying to impress him just not by any means for those reasons. I would much rather impress Heidi or Jess into thinking that I'm trying to change for real and for the many good reasons. I would like to impress him but if it doesn't work then it would be his fault not mine. I'm trying for my benefits...not his unless he wants them to be his. I don't like him...not any more...for real...he is just my best friend...I want to thank him though...him hurting my feelings made me relize many things. So if some one out there finds this tell him that I thank him for hurting my feelings so that I seen what was wrong with myself so that I could fix it.THANK YOU!!!!!!!*hug* even though you're annoyed with me...well I'm tired...I'm going to bed!