May 23, 2007 08:00
Two totally random thoughts...
1. Sorry blue ray developers, you were a day late and many $$$'s short. Stop touting your soon to be antiquated technology, you should have been on the ball back in the late 90's. Were you so late because you felt not enough people had displays that were capable of outputting your signals? I know you invested a lot of time, money and energy in the development of this technology, guess you were past the point of just throwing all of your hard work away...ever hear of the "laser disk?"
2. If you are riding your bicycle in the city please pay attention to traffic rules (i.e. red lights), and please don't aim for the back quarter panel of my car. I thought it was enough that you went flying over the handlebars, didn't want to also make you pay for any damage to my vehicle, next time I may not be so nice though...