(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 09:55

I did tae bo at 5, ate at 7, and vegitated for the rest of the night. Once, 11 o clock hit, packed my backback, charged my phone and went to bed cuz I had an 8 o clock class the next morning. You see, its a rarity for me to sleep at a decent hour because I feel i'm wasting my night by sleeping early, however, waking up at 7 and getting ready to go to class sucks when you've had minimal sleep. I was STILL late for class because I made a quick stop at Starbucks and there was traffic on East Peltason. Today, in class, oh gee, I don't even know the topic we covered in class today, i think it was nutrition. Professor stern, in her infamous hooker boots, showed us a slideshow of starving kids in Africa and how they suffer from Kwashiorkor, which is the leading death in kids. There was this one picture of a child curled up in the fetal postion with a vulture alongside, waiting for the child to die so the vulture could eat him. Another picture was shown, but I couldn't make the image out until the teacher told us that it was a baby being breast fed, the breast was shrivled up because of malnutrition and the baby's eyes was covered with flies. It's a sad site, and we're lucky to live in the United States, wether you live in the suburbs or the ghetto. Sometimes, you wanna help them, but I dunno. I don't see myself in Africa helping them, I want to. Oh yeah, we got our papers back! i got a 19/20, which is good!! I expected lower since my paper was SO much shorter than everyone elses, the length is what probably eluded me from getting a perfect score! It's good to know though that, I got a 19 and that they gave me the benefit out of the doubt because I had good content! the mean was 18 so yeah, I'm grateful.

Im stuck at the library with nothing to do, I checked the billboard charts, which I do every Thursday, chatted with my friend at the copy center and now I'm just updating. I left my student I.D. at home, which I need right now because I can't access any electronic reserve readings posted on the web. So boo.

I need to stop watching T.V. it takes up waay to much of my time. I guess since I started having my own room with a nice T.V. i've just been dedicated to it. But, there are other things that are important such as reading which I've kinda lost interest in mid this quarter. Perhaps, I'll do some reading tonight, but then there's the apprentice.

On Friday, Michelle is supposed to stop by, I hope she does. I haven't seen her in a while. I'm also supposed to chill with a couple of my co-workers and see some old high school friends, but nothing is really written in stone as of right now. If things don't pull through, well, its a sign, I need to buckle down and do my homework.

My boss, Tom, wants me to work during Spring break, how dumb. I don't want to at all. I already worked for Christmas break. Maybe I'll work 8 hours for one day or something. I'm getting sick of him and his mood swings. I'm done after this school year. If anything, I'll work less hours next quarter, if at all. I need to start calling more places for internships!
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