A Call for Accountability in Politics

Dec 15, 2008 10:56

I’m sure a call for accountability in politics has been made before but it’s a call that often goes completely ignored.

The past eight years has been very difficult for me. I’m a progressive liberal that can’t objectively look at the state of politics without getting angry. That’s a big reason why I think Obama’s campaign of hope worked so well. Over the past eight years, the Republican Party practically burned the United States Constitution. Diplomacy didn’t fail. To fail, it had to have been attempted.

I don’t know if I believe things will change. Is Blagojevich a rare case of political corruption or is he the model standard who missed the memo to keep it on the down-low? I don’t know. There can be no discussion that what Blagojevich did was wrong. None! But is it really any different than corporations obtaining no-bid defense contracts because their old CEO is at the helm of that particular warship? Can I honestly say that Blagojevich did something wrong when making money off political position seemed to be the industry standard on Capitol Hill? Maybe we should give Blagojevich the same reward we will give Bush and Cheney for their excellent service: a comfortable retirement.

I want Blagojevich to spend his time in jail but I can’t honestly say that he deserves it because he was a little more out-in-the-open about it. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest are going to go on with their comfortable lives knowing that they did every back-handed sideways deal they could to ensure their financial future while Blagojevich did the same thing and is going to jail.

With all that shit going on, Obama seriously asks me to have hope? How often do we get the chance to make an example of people who clearly did something wrong? We have to correct a deficit caused by CEOs in positions of political influence pouring money into their own futures and saying “damn the economy so long as I’ve got mine.” We know it happened but we are supposed to stop looking at the past. “Forget what happened, let’s look ahead.” NO! We can do both! We can punish the wrong-doings of those who did this AND forge ahead. What would happen if in every CSI episode Grissom said to his staff, “Wait a second! Let’s stop looking at what happened and focus on what’s going to happen next.” You can’t because that’s how you solve CRIMES! You look at what has transpired and you figure out which part was criminal and then you serve out a spoon-full of justice based on the findings.

If we ignore these types of travesties, it will send a clear message to those in the future that it’s alright to do it again.

blagojevich, bush administration, obama, republicans

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