
Jun 22, 2006 18:53

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1) Does ropefiend know trippy_manda? Indeed. He does.
2) What is desirae_o's favorite movie? Oh boy. I have no idea. Dostoyevsky And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. What?
3) Is trippy_manda a high school student? NOT ANYMORE! *bursts into tears*
4) Has julian dyed their hair? Hmm. Good question. I bet it's secretly a really gross mousy brown, yeah.
5) Is peterthegreater introverted or extroverted? That bastard is alays yelling about something or other.
6) How would trippy_manda conquer the world? With an army of unquenchably bloodthirsty homosexuals. They're so scary.
7) Has _between_dreams been to your house/dorm? Uh..yes! Yes, to my house she has. My dorm she frequents, and always with alcohol and protection.
8) Is ropefiend related to reality_checkz? They're both inbred, so in all likelihood, yeah.
9) ropefiend's hair color? ...is gay?
10) Does lord_tom have a crush on laurenxoxox? Ha! No, on himself.
11) What exotic animal would duncanm like as a pet? Whoa. An imp.
12) Would duncanm and kate_long make a good couple? Um...no. No, I don't think so.
13) What would you do if you found out desirae_o has a crush on you? I would - wait for it Pete - cream myself.
14) When did you last call roseanna? In Pembroke. Remember that? Ha.
15) Is duncanm 1337? HAHAHAA! If anyone is, it's him.
16) Is sonia an emo? Fuck I want to punch her sometimes. So unhappy all the goddamn time.
17) Where would crispy_crunch most like to visit? The MOOOOON!
18) Did sonia break up with you? Yes. And I still pine for her.
19) What animal should peterthegreater be combined with? A....blob. Of something indistinct and foul-smelling.
20) Would mrsradcliffe be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate. She's dirty like that.
21) Would you wrestle laurenxoxox in jello? A million times. Until we died.
22) Is sonia popular? Didn't you read #16? She sulks around and gets punched. No, she's not popular. Jesus.
23) What comic book character would thechildseyes be? The Amazing HappyTron
24) Would you set up ropefiend and thechildseyes? If I was in a drug-induced stupor and had no control over my actions, yes.
25) If laurenxoxox and peterthegreater were spliced together, what would it be like? Um...hideous? Like a mess of limbs and skin and hair and shit? Euw.
26) What would ropefiend do differently in your shoes? He'd break more stuff.
27) Where was maya__papaya born? In a small village outside of Tremolinska, Georgia.
28) One thing you can't stand about desirae_o? Her looks. Christ what a hag.
29) What song/movie would you recommend to keegan_pan? This is a serious one here. Song: If You Want Me To Stay; Movie: Spirited Away.
30) Is laurenxoxox dead sexy? Like a cadaver, baby.

SCHOOL'S FUCKING OVER! Wow crazy tooty man! Boy howdy. I'm going batshit loco!

I bought Kill Bill, Volumes I and II. I am in love.

Swam at Emily's with Zach and Monica and Maya today. We were being Russians. Zach's name was Alexi Nikoladze, and mine was Yuri Gregorovitch. We rocked the girl's asses and they know it.

Oh man freedom tastes nice.

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