I visited my wife's folks in Jinju. After dinner on Saturday night we were walking around when we spotted this wig shop. Cellphone camera materialized and my nephew asked me to put the picture on my blog.
What is this thing?
1. Mutton-chop Wig?
2. Prosthetic Snoopy Ears?
3. A future social networking site profile picture?
4. (your answer here)
Other stuff:
We watched the new Pirates movie. It was s'okay, but I'd watch Geoffrey Rush floss. Nice to see Tim Powers' name onscreen. Film previews were a mix of S Korean, Usian, and Chinese films.
When did Donnie Yen become the Hong Kong superstar? I'm not complaining, but he was always something of the "other guy" in action pics. Also no one chews scenery like the no-name British actors in Hong Kong movies. I love them. They have three acting styles: Sniveling Arrogance, Arrogant sniveling, and Bombastic Arrogance (with or without slight sniveling).