Yesterday I spent some time in the next town over waiting for the bus. Dopyeong’s slightly bigger than Andeok with two bars, a fancier black bean noodle restaurant, a florist, a pool hall, and an actual supermarket. Where Andeok’s long and narrow, Dopyeong’s clustered around a major crossroads in a roughly triangular shape
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Those photos and links expanded my Virginia-bound brain this morning. Halfway round the world and still sitting on my couch.
Seokguram's actually two hours away from where I live next to the aqueduct town. It's only the magic of an LJ-cut that brings them close together. ;)
Now quit reading my blog and get writing!
LOL. Yes, must. Breakfast finished cooking and it's time for me to go talk to a Mouse King. Thanks for the whip.
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