Nov 16, 2004 20:38
I can only wonder as I write this if my heart has finally chosen someone who will not leave me, who will not die, who will not be taken from me...but, of course this question cannot be answered now. I do not even trust any of those with the Sight in our school to make a prediction of this nature. The future, I now know, is too uneven, too rocky, too chaotic, and no one can look forwards into it and say with a straight face what will happen. It is impossible. Destiny is something which cannot be avoided, no matter how far you try to run, or how deep you try to hide, it will find you, no matter what, the proverbial Appointment in Damascus. Hannah was meant do die, and although we cannot see why now, nothing we could have done would have prevented it. I know this now more than ever.
However, we cannot allow her death to destroy us. It must unite us in a way that has never been seen here at Hogwarts in all it's many years of history. This is what she would have wanted, and what must happen nontheless.
To all my fellow students, I wish you well, and call on you to unite as a whole.
And to the one I love. You may not know who you are, or ever will, but know that I will watch over you, now and always. I am your guardian angel.