sad and totally homeless

Jul 21, 2004 08:44

alright well fernie and I are at my grandmas house right now, we stayed at jds last night, let me tell u yesterday and this morning were the worst, Damn, yesterday bobby got in trouble and to make a long story short we cant be his friends anymore or some crap like that. So we stayed at jds cause we had like no where else to go. so we did and i thought we were quiet but this morning jds mom pulled me off the fuckin couch and told us we had to leave and she was mad cause she said that we were loud but thats a bunch a bullshit. how crazy is that shit, and i know his mom like really well i dont know what the fuck happend so this was like at 8 in the morning. we had no place to go like always, so we just came to my grandmas for a last resort till we can find a place. right now were filling out financial aid cause we have to. ummmmmmmm, getting an apartment real soon i cant fuckin wait, im getting it with fernie and rocky, were gonna look today actually once we do were throwing a party to celebrate our non poorness or whatever u wanna call it. well update u on that later it might be a little while. fuck if u have room for us till then we would so appreciate it cause this seriously sucks.

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