keep on keepin on

Feb 21, 2005 21:19

sooo even tho i am expelled and live with my g-ma now, its not the end of the world and im handling all this shit alot better then anyone else could and im actually doing fine. i cant really get too upset about it because it was EXTREMELY stupid on my part to do and it was my fault and i feel i deserve everything ive gotten just bc im such a friggin idiot haha. so now taht ive dealed with the fact taht i did it n now im paying for it ive been fine, AA and i.o.p. and work arnt that bad, just aa can be boring sometimes. hopefully at court when i plead not guilty theyll see all the things ive done and just take it off my record, i know it sounds wierd but my lawyer said taht if i get a certificate of completion from a alcohol abuse program and proof that ive also been going to AA taht they can do taht. and if i keep this up and go to portage adult school for the summer i can hopefully get back into valpo high school as a senior :) theyll be reviewing my progress in august to decide if ill get back in. i really hope i do bc i may be fine now but if they dont let me back ill be so sad bc i really wanna graduate from valpo instead of wheeler or wherever i'd end up having to go.

i just hope this all works out... :-/
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