The Rift

Apr 28, 2008 10:35

OK folks. I am not going to write any reports because so many other people have done a tremendous job already!!!

Here are a few of the best ones:

I've uploaded some of my best pics into my scrapbook for you:

Impressions - Eve is the most wonderful person in the Universe and they need to let her be herself a little more! The funniest thing she said was re the scene in adrift where she was supposed to walk in and give the cue for Jack and Ianto to break apart and she just walked in (three times) folded her arms and watched for a few minutes!!! She said to the audience, well, what would you have done!

I asked James your question about Jack and Ianto Meghan. He said Captain John has no idea they are an item and if he did he would be very threatened by Ianto. He calls him eye candy "because he WANTS him"!! That part said with great conviction. He also said the same a few times while on stage.

Gareth's funniest bit was the captains sandwich line! He said he didn't care if he had to do the whole thing naked as long as they kept him on. He mentioned feltching a lot as well! He's so been reading too much fan slashfic! Which he said he loves by the way. So very worrying!

Kai was just bloody hysterical from start to end and when he came back pissed in the night - words fail me. Oh and he taught everyone fuck off in welsh! Useful!

Organisation was shit but the actors were fucking brilliant!

There, said I was not going to comment. Can't shut me up really can you!

HI to all the lovely people I met! Thanks to
patsch for organising dinner on Friday. Great to meet you and the lovely Sarah.

Oh and one last thing - Gareth said he thought Ianto and Jack had been at it more or less from the beginning because of the sexual chemistry there in fragments. He said he didn't think Lisa knew about it and couldn't imagine how Ianto could tell her he was "feltching" his boss but she may have known and that's why she was so pissed off!

the rift

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