This guy is a genius!
The Rules Of Torchwood Three: Nicholas Redux 1 of 4
Title: The Rules Of Torchwood Three: Nicholas Redux 1 of 4
Rating: PG-13 for shenanigans and greenhouses.
Characters: Jack, Team, OMC. Canon pairings.
Summary: After Jack disappears, Torchwood hires a new tea boy -- someone to fetch and carry and take some of the burden off Ianto's shoulders. Nicholas knows his place is in the shadows, but he watches and listens as the dramas of Torchwood play out around him. And he learns all the rules.
Notes: AU for the second season, but only slightly. Spoilers through 2.12. Hopefully, if I've done this right, it will be a sketch of characters as seen through new eyes, rather than a horrifying Gary Stu. Let's cross our fingers, shall we?
Chapter One I just hope this is the right way to do this.
Oh and can someone explain to me how I can put a http link under some word..