Apr 25, 2005 09:15
Yes. Snow. A week until May and we got snow on saturday. At least it didn't accumulate or anything, its just miserably cold now.
I think I'll get my camera today that Kyle mailed to me so I can start taking pictures. Whee! Expect my lj to get blown up with pics. (all with the proper cuts, bien sur!)
I should also get the next two games from gamefly today. Those are making me happy, in a small way. I went to Anderson on friday night and bought my mom a nice Sony surround sound system, just because she mentioned she wanted one. I'm actually doing a pretty good job of saving money down here, since there's really nothing to do and nothing to spend money on. I can't wait for school to start so that I can actually be around people again. I probably won't talk to any of them, but it'll be nice to at least have some social structure.
I really miss Sarah. I was flipping through the channels the other night and the very end of How to lose a guy in 10 days was on, and some guy was chasing a cab on a motorcycle and they drove straight up Canal Street right at the corner of Bowery. It made me sniffle and it made me really miss Sarah a lot. I'm thinking I might try to come visit around the first of June (as that is when my dear onee-chan is supposed to be visiting, and I couldn't dare miss the chance to see her).
And don't get me wrong, I miss Kyle too. I've had to get very creative with my aggravation of him lately, since I'm not there to physically aggravate him. Good thing I've got a good imagination, I think I'm doing a fair job of driving him crazy, without actually being present.
I can't wait to start taking pictures.