Aug 13, 2007 21:43
So good news. I am offically the new "You" editor at the Oakland Post. ("You" is the features section)
And for those of you who don't know, I just got back from New York City. The most amazing city ever. I will most definitely be moving there as soon as I graduate.
Anyways back to the Post. It's great, we have a full 24 member staff that I can't wait to spend my time with and I get my own little desk that I get to decorate and such. I'm excited! Our photo editor and I are the only juniors on staff so as soon as everyone graduates next year, it's just going to be me and him. Our editor in cheif joked today that she was going to start training me as the editor in cheif for when she leaves.
We are in the middle of production week so I better get ready for a long day tomorrow because we didn't get much accomplished today. I'm looking forward to the school year now.