Long time, No Update

Aug 29, 2005 14:03

Well, here I am, finally updating again. Its been a busy summer filled with work and friends, but now I'm back in Ashland for another year.

This year=much less stress than last year. I got to move in a week early for CAB Exec Retreat and spend a week doing nothing but hanging out with some of my favorite people on campus. I definitely got to know my co-chair and everyone else on exec a lot better and I'm so excited for our year together. I also got to spend a ton of time with myself, reading and relaxing, which was much needed after working full time at the iggle.

This weekend everyone came back to campus and the new freshmen moved in. All the girls on my floor seem great (and respectful of my need for quiet.) It was also good to see lots of familiar faces on campus. It was kind of sad to know that school was starting up and I wouldn't get to spend all day doing silly things with Cabbies.

I only had one class today, and I didn't really have it. The professor had surgery and she will be spending the week recuperating. In the mean time, my department chair came in to inform us that the class was being canceled because we didn't have enough people to fill it. I was not happy, but at least I can switch to the other section without any other schedule rearranging. However, one girl in my class may not get to graduate in the spring.

Oh dear, anyways, how is everyone else doing? Youngstown people, I'm really glad that you are getting to go back to class, and check your e-mail again. Willoughby people, I'll be home on Friday! Why? Because I want to sing "I love Mayfield" a couple dozen times.

I better go start homework. Hopefully school will not consume me entirely and I will update more often.
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