I have officially begun the crying stage of leaving....

Aug 20, 2004 20:02

Wow, this past week has sucked major balls. It probably helped that this week seemed to go on for forever and a year. As if the Rachel Game wasn't hard enough actually saying goodbye was harder. Brky Brk and I will see each other again soon, so I'm in denial about that. But saying goodbye to the girls sucked a lot. How do I say goodbye to people who have become my sisters? I have grown so much, and become such a better person, because I know them. I cried some and was terribly sad when Karen left for Pitt, and when Stephanie left for Miami I cried hard core. I think it hit me that I was the only Phi Gamma Tau sister left. And I can only have fun girl time all by myself. I think the vision of Stephanie standing on her front steps waving goodbye is going to be ingrained in my memory for a while now. It was like a movie, there was even sad music playing. And then there were two....

Poor Anthony, what a dubious duet we are, I'm going to be emotional all week. On a happier note, Anthony, I'm almost all packed, I will be all packed by Monday hopefully. So Justine and Anthony (plus Bob and Joel when they are interested) week will be fun and eventful. I get to go to Hollister (and Mens Express)!! I need to get a trumpet really soon so I don't suck it up on Alumni Night, music too. Mr. P, where are you? Well, I'm getting all sad again, so I'm going to eat some Icing. Freshman fifteen here I come. Boo.

If anyone wants to do anything with me, give me a call, I finish working for the summer tomorrow at 3:30.

I'm now accepting applications for senior pictures. If you want one comment.

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