Jan 22, 2003 19:22
Yea so much shit going down with the GC crew. In my eyes that Tony guy is a fucking prick. Jesus christ Paul called you an asshole. So fucking what? Are you that immature that you take it to offence. And then you go on with childish remarks about him being fat. So whos the child? Paul gave up asshole. He let you fucking have Benji. Thats got to be hard for him. To give up the person he loves. Hell hes even going to give up the friendship. Thats got to be hard for him. So stop acting like a fucking child and be the "man" you think you say you are. And you keep rambeling on and on about how you "love" Benji. If you did you would shut the fuck up and go be with him. Not sit and bitch about how Paul screwed you over or whatever. And if you have a problem with me? Bring it you skanky fucking skell!
Yea I take my friends sides. So what? I know Paul and Benji through Chris. So yea I take my friends sides. And I stick up for them.
Ha and wow bitch Justin is gone now. I got a pounding headache from Jordan running around and screaming for no reason as usual. Kid needs a muzzle I swear. But yea. I need to go find Jaceness and make him feel better. Hes all down and stuff because other people are feeling shitty.